There are some people in The United States Of America who irresponsibly vote, ignoring all the platforms of individual, save for one. These 'one issue voters' seem to most often be the anti-abortionists. However, there are other 'one issue voters' that only vote based on a candidates position on euthanasia or death-penalty. The three issues I'm going to focus on in this observation are primarily the three mentioned already. These issues are abortion, euthanasia and death-penalty.
The contradiction that I often find insulting is that there are those who will vote on all three of these issues and argue that they are taking the position becuase of their religious beliefs. It is usually insulting because these same people often tend to argue that they are against abortion but then do little if anything to aid someone who needs help with raising a child. These people argue against end of life decisions for others but then never take steps themselves to aid these elderly people in any way.
I have found that often the same people who argue 'right to life' are the same people who are 'pro-death penalty'. The hypocrisy is astounding really. The argument against my opinion usually comes from an angle of 'the person who deserves the death-penalty made a choice where as the unwanted unborn child that was the result of what these people judge to be immoral acts of fornication should have the right to life'. However the argument falls short because you really can't make that logic in that argument work for end of life rights. To be clear, there is a difference between 'end of life decisions and rights' and 'euthanasia'. Though you may debate the semantics, the two terms for the purposes of this commentary are to be deemed choice and no choice, respectively. In such a case I would be against euthanasia because there is no choice by the individual, which would mean that I would support the rights of individuals who want to make end of life decisions.
The argument so often laid out by those who support capital punishment by death is partly that it serves society not to allow that person convicted of a capital offense to be a financial drain on society.
I believe that the grounds for dignity are far more compelling in any debate where one would argue 'right to life'. I currently view 'right to dignity' as a better stance than 'right to life' or 'right to choice'. The idea of dignity means to me that if a child is unwanted and would struggle through his/her formative years as a child, with the proverbial 'deck stacked against' him or her, then why subject that child to a life that starts in such an undignified way.
The fact is that when it comes to party platforms, the republican party typically stands in opposition to 'right to dignity' because they not only oppose abortion rights but also end of life rights but then they also oppose social programs that would be necessary. I never hear much about the 'christian left', only the 'christian right'. I know there is a 'christian left' because I've known many people who are democrats who also profess a christian faith. But the example here is that the same people who are claiming to be 'christian right' are the same people who would rather impose through governmental regulations ideas that they claim are backed by their beliefs but then refuse to allow those that would be affected by the imposed regulations the understanding and compassion they deserve as humans.
Have you ever seen a die-hard 'christian' who grew up in the church and has lived an extremely sheltered life react to someone else saying they are going through a divorce? The look of complete disgust and judgment that crosses their face is sickening. You may think this is unfounded judgment on my part but I stand by it because I used to be like that.
I was taught to value and respect life. I was also taught to think though and that is right to question and be curious. In respecting life, I learned it was important to live life in an experiential way. I have made mistakes and I have learned from mistakes. I am accountable for my mistakes and have claimed responsibility for my actions so that I won't repeat those mistakes which I've learned from.
What is dignity to you? Do you think dignity is a right? To me, I see that a right to dignity is as much of a right as it is to have rights at all.
I feel I've not been completely clear however, I feel I've been clear enough for you to understand the point actually embraces right to life when that life will be dignified or will continue to be dignified.
I welcome your comments, as always.
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