Well. It's been a while huh? I'll punctuate how I want, that's my choice. I sometimes imply the punctuation or gloss over it. But I usually write what I write and mean what I say when I write it. That is one way I've found to prevent massive rewriting in the revision process. It seems to me if I focus on figuring out what I'm going to write before I sit down, I become much more productive because I'm not just writing mindless crap. I am talking about my last post on here.
So, on to other things, well, related things at least. I have three or four stories in mind so, for the foreseeable future I should be busy developing the stories and writing them. I have set up some playlists to accompany the story-line building process. The one that I'm really focused on is "The Retreat". I have another one called "Run" and the third one is developing roughly but I'm trying not to force it. I want "Doobage and Ish" to tell me how to write it. "Echoes of Seville" has been written but needs a new ending or a follow up. I'd be interested in working with someone on that story. It's a little "Rock of Ages" but not too much. It's funny but more of a drama.
So, feeling good and ready to write. I guess that's the theme of this post.