Wednesday, July 4, 2001

Time for a break... I've just completed adding some new artists to my radio station, Bartime. I'm going to create a new one within the month and I'm looking for new artists on to add to that playlist.

I talked to Eric today. I was told that he'd be visiting Kansas City in August so, maybe we'll get a chance to sit down and play a little before he goes back to San Diego. I've talked to him about adding messages to this journal eventually and he liked the idea. He's sending me a tape of some songs that I'm hoping to add to so he'll get the attention he deserves.

I'm going to call that my post for the early morning of Independence Day, 2001.


Monday, July 2, 2001

I had a rather productive day working out the primary pages of the new website for my grandma's site. I'm really starting to like where it's going. As I suspected, I've started seeing that my grandpa has a lot of the knowledge that I wish I could have asked my grandma. It's funny how that works. Well, it's been a long day and I'm ready for bed. Later...

Today I found a new channel on our digital cable subscription. It's called TechTV. It's totally dedicated to all things computer related. It's my new favorite channel. Yeah me!

So, I'm in the beginning stages of creating a new website, Joan Patterns was something that my grandma did with the help of my grandpa. They made a decent living off of this and other projects, as I understand. When my grandpa and I started talking about the possibilities for the site, he said to me, "Who would have thought ten years ago that Joan's grandson would be doing a website for her." I was moved by it.

I started writing a new story from a dream that I had about a week ago. It was so dramatic and complete that I just started writing it without much thought of how to start it. I'm going to need to work out a few details because of the science-fiction elements involved. Some of the research that I'll need to look into is quantum astro-physics. It's not all that important that I follow the rules set forth in this area of study but, in order to tell the story, I'll need to have characters that are experts in the subject. At present, I'm only planning on it being a short story, maybe a hundred pages or so. If it is really good, then perhaps I'll write a screenplay of it to sell, or even publish it as a book. I'm tentatively titling it 'The Morning Star' or 'Bang II".

I've written a few new songs in the last week and I'm expecting a tape of some new songs from Eric so with his permission, I might add them to a new D.A.M. CD on I sent him a copy of the songs from "For The Road" & "Good D.A.M. CD". I should hear from him in the next couple days and maybe I'll get a review from him.

Alright, I think that's all I've got for now. Take care and love always...

Chris Johnson